84.03 %
100 %
use std::error::Error as StdError;
use axum::{
extract::{Path, Request, State},
http::{header, HeaderValue},
response::{IntoResponse, Response},
routing, Router,
use bytes::{Bytes, BytesMut};
use csv::WriterBuilder;
use futures_util::StreamExt;
use log::error;
use serde::Deserialize;
use serde_json::Deserializer;
use url::Url;
use sylvia_iot_corelib::err::ErrResp;
use super::{
super::{AmqpState, MqttState, State as AppState},
api_bridge, get_stream_resp, get_unit_inner, list_api_bridge, response, ListResp,
use crate::libs::mq::{self, emqx, rabbitmq, QueueType};
struct UnitIdPath {
unit_id: String,
struct Application {
code: String,
#[serde(rename = "hostUri")]
host_uri: String,
struct Network {
const CSV_FIELDS: &'static [u8] =
pub fn new_service(scope_path: &str, state: &AppState) -> Router {
.route("/", routing::post(post_unit))
.route("/count", routing::get(get_unit_count))
.route("/list", routing::get(get_unit_list))
/// `POST /{base}/api/v1/unit`
async fn post_unit(state: State<AppState>, req: Request) -> impl IntoResponse {
const FN_NAME: &'static str = "post_unit";
let api_path = format!("{}/api/v1/unit", state.broker_base);
let client = state.client.clone();
api_bridge(FN_NAME, &client, req, api_path.as_str()).await
/// `GET /{base}/api/v1/unit/count`
async fn get_unit_count(state: State<AppState>, req: Request) -> impl IntoResponse {
const FN_NAME: &'static str = "get_unit_count";
let api_path = format!("{}/api/v1/unit/count", state.broker_base.as_str());
/// `GET /{base}/api/v1/unit/list`
async fn get_unit_list(state: State<AppState>, req: Request) -> impl IntoResponse {
const FN_NAME: &'static str = "get_unit_list";
let api_path = format!("{}/api/v1/unit/list", state.broker_base.as_str());
let api_path = api_path.as_str();
let (api_resp, resp_builder) =
match list_api_bridge(FN_NAME, &client, req, api_path, false, "unit").await {
ListResp::Axum(resp) => return resp,
ListResp::ArrayStream(api_resp, resp_builder) => (api_resp, resp_builder),
let mut resp_stream = api_resp.bytes_stream();
let body = Body::from_stream(async_stream::stream! {
yield Ok(Bytes::from(CSV_FIELDS));
let mut buffer = BytesMut::new();
while let Some(body) = {
match body {
Err(e) => {
error!("[{}] get body error: {}", FN_NAME, e);
let err: Box<dyn StdError + Send + Sync> = Box::new(e);
yield Err(err);
Ok(body) => buffer.extend_from_slice(&body[..]),
let mut json_stream = Deserializer::from_slice(&buffer[..]).into_iter::<response::Unit>();
let mut index = 0;
let mut finish = false;
loop {
if let Some(Ok(mut v)) = {
if let Ok(member_ids_str) = serde_json::to_string(&v.member_ids) {
v.member_ids_str = Some(member_ids_str);
if let Ok(info_str) = serde_json::to_string(& {
v.info_str = Some(info_str);
let mut writer = WriterBuilder::new().has_headers(false).from_writer(vec![]);
if let Err(e) = writer.serialize(v) {
finish = true;
match writer.into_inner() {
Ok(row) => yield Ok(Bytes::copy_from_slice(row.as_slice())),
let offset = json_stream.byte_offset();
if buffer.len() <= index + offset {
index = buffer.len();
match buffer[index+offset] {
b'[' | b',' => {
index += offset + 1;
if buffer.len() <= index {
json_stream =
b']' => {
_ => break,
if finish {
buffer = buffer.split_off(index);
match resp_builder.body(body) {
Err(e) => ErrResp::ErrRsc(Some(e.to_string())).into_response(),
Ok(resp) => resp,
/// `GET /{base}/api/v1/unit/{unitId}`
async fn get_unit(
state: State<AppState>,
Path(param): Path<UnitIdPath>,
req: Request,
) -> impl IntoResponse {
const FN_NAME: &'static str = "get_unit";
let api_path = format!("{}/api/v1/unit/{}", state.broker_base, param.unit_id);
/// `PATCH /{base}/api/v1/unit/{unitId}`
async fn patch_unit(
const FN_NAME: &'static str = "patch_unit";
/// `DELETE /{base}/api/v1/unit/{unitId}`
async fn delete_unit(
const FN_NAME: &'static str = "delete_unit";
// Delete all underlaying broker resources before deleting the unit.
let token = match req.headers().get(header::AUTHORIZATION) {
None => {
let msg = "missing Authorization".to_string();
return ErrResp::ErrParam(Some(msg)).into_response();
Some(value) => value.clone(),
let unit = match get_unit_inner(
Err(e) => return e,
Ok(unit) => unit,
if let Some(unit) = unit {
let unit_id = param.unit_id.as_str();
let unit_code = unit.code.as_str();
if let Err(e) =
delete_application_resources(FN_NAME, &token, &state, unit_id, unit_code).await
return e;
if let Err(e) = delete_network_resources(FN_NAME, &token, &state, unit_id, unit_code).await
async fn delete_application_resources(
fn_name: &str,
token: &HeaderValue,
state: &AppState,
unit_id: &str,
unit_code: &str,
) -> Result<(), Response> {
// Get application from stream and delete broker resources.
let uri = format!(
let mut stream = get_stream_resp(fn_name, token, &client, uri.as_str())
while let Some(body) = {
let msg = format!("get application body error: {}", e);
error!("[{}] {}", fn_name, msg);
return Err(ErrResp::ErrIntMsg(Some(msg)).into_response());
let mut json_stream = Deserializer::from_slice(&buffer[..]).into_iter::<Application>();
if let Some(Ok(v)) = {
if v.host_uri.starts_with("amqp") {
match &state.amqp {
AmqpState::RabbitMq(opts) => {
let host = match Url::parse(v.host_uri.as_str()) {
let msg = format!("{} is not valid URI: {}", v.host_uri, e);
return Err(ErrResp::ErrUnknown(Some(msg)).into_response());
Ok(url) => match url.host_str() {
let msg = format!("{} is not valid URI", v.host_uri);
Some(host) => host.to_string(),
let username =
mq::to_username(QueueType::Application, unit_code, v.code.as_str());
if let Err(e) = rabbitmq::delete_user(
let msg = format!("delete RabbitMQ user {} error: {}", username, e);
} else if v.host_uri.starts_with("mqtt") {
match &state.mqtt {
MqttState::Emqx(opts) => {
emqx::delete_user(&client, opts, host.as_str(), username.as_str())
MqttState::Rumqttd => {}
match buffer[index + offset] {
async fn delete_network_resources(
// Get network from stream and delete broker resources.
let msg = format!("get network body error: {}", e);
let mut json_stream = Deserializer::from_slice(&buffer[..]).into_iter::<Network>();
mq::to_username(QueueType::Network, unit_code, v.code.as_str());
json_stream = Deserializer::from_slice(&buffer[index..]).into_iter::<Network>();