99.17 %
95.83 %
100 %
use std::{error::Error as StdError, sync::Arc};
use async_trait::async_trait;
use futures::TryStreamExt;
use mongodb::{
bson::{self, doc, Bson, DateTime, Document},
Cursor as MongoDbCursor, Database,
use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize};
use super::super::network_dldata::{
Cursor, ListOptions, ListQueryCond, NetworkDlData, NetworkDlDataModel, QueryCond, SortKey,
UpdateQueryCond, Updates, EXPIRES,
/// Model instance.
pub struct Model {
/// The associated database connection.
conn: Arc<Database>,
/// Cursor instance.
struct DbCursor {
/// The associated collection cursor.
cursor: MongoDbCursor<Schema>,
/// (Useless) only for Cursor trait implementation.
offset: u64,
/// MongoDB schema.
#[derive(Deserialize, Serialize)]
struct Schema {
#[serde(rename = "dataId")]
pub data_id: String,
pub proc: DateTime,
#[serde(rename = "pub")]
pub publish: DateTime,
pub resp: Option<DateTime>,
pub status: i32,
#[serde(rename = "unitId")]
pub unit_id: String,
#[serde(rename = "deviceId")]
pub device_id: String,
#[serde(rename = "networkCode")]
pub network_code: String,
#[serde(rename = "networkAddr")]
pub network_addr: String,
pub profile: String,
pub data: String,
#[serde(skip_serializing_if = "Option::is_none")]
pub extension: Option<Document>,
const COL_NAME: &'static str = "networkDlData";
impl Model {
/// To create the model instance with a database connection.
pub async fn new(conn: Arc<Database>) -> Result<Self, Box<dyn StdError>> {
let model = Model { conn };
impl NetworkDlDataModel for Model {
async fn init(&self) -> Result<(), Box<dyn StdError>> {
let indexes = vec![
doc! {"name": "dataId_1", "key": {"dataId": 1}, "unique": true},
doc! {"name": "status_1", "key": {"status": 1}},
doc! {"name": "unitId_1", "key": {"unitId": 1}},
doc! {"name": "deviceId_1", "key": {"deviceId": 1}},
doc! {"name": "networkCode_1", "key": {"networkCode": 1}},
doc! {"name": "networkAddr_1", "key": {"networkAddr": 1}},
doc! {"name": "profile_1", "key": {"profile": 1}},
doc! {"name": "proc_1", "key": {"proc": 1}, "expireAfterSeconds": EXPIRES},
doc! {"name": "pub_1", "key": {"pub": 1}},
doc! {"name": "resp_1", "key": {"resp": 1}},
let command = doc! {
"createIndexes": COL_NAME,
"indexes": indexes,
async fn count(&self, cond: &ListQueryCond) -> Result<u64, Box<dyn StdError>> {
let filter = get_list_query_filter(cond);
let count = self
async fn list(
opts: &ListOptions,
cursor: Option<Box<dyn Cursor>>,
) -> Result<(Vec<NetworkDlData>, Option<Box<dyn Cursor>>), Box<dyn StdError>> {
let mut cursor = match cursor {
None => {
let filter = get_list_query_filter(opts.cond);
build_find_options(opts, self.conn.collection::<Schema>(COL_NAME).find(filter))
Some(cursor) => cursor,
let mut count: u64 = 0;
let mut list = Vec::new();
while let Some(item) = cursor.try_next().await? {
if let Some(cursor_max) = opts.cursor_max {
count += 1;
if count >= cursor_max {
return Ok((list, Some(cursor)));
Ok((list, None))
async fn add(&self, data: &NetworkDlData) -> Result<(), Box<dyn StdError>> {
let item = Schema {
data_id: data.data_id.clone(),
proc: data.proc.into(),
publish: data.publish.into(),
resp: match data.resp {
None => None,
Some(resp) => Some(resp.into()),
status: data.status,
unit_id: data.unit_id.clone(),
device_id: data.device_id.clone(),
network_code: data.network_code.clone(),
network_addr: data.network_addr.clone(),
profile: data.profile.clone(),
extension: match data.extension.as_ref() {
Some(extension) => Some(bson::to_document(extension)?),
async fn del(&self, cond: &QueryCond) -> Result<(), Box<dyn StdError>> {
let filter = get_query_filter(cond);
async fn update(
cond: &UpdateQueryCond,
updates: &Updates,
) -> Result<(), Box<dyn StdError>> {
let filter = get_update_query_filter(cond, updates.status);
if let Some(updates) = get_update_doc(updates) {
.update_one(filter, updates)
return Ok(());
impl DbCursor {
/// To create the cursor instance with a collection cursor.
pub fn new(cursor: MongoDbCursor<Schema>) -> Self {
DbCursor { cursor, offset: 0 }
impl Cursor for DbCursor {
async fn try_next(&mut self) -> Result<Option<NetworkDlData>, Box<dyn StdError>> {
if let Some(item) = self.cursor.try_next().await? {
self.offset += 1;
return Ok(Some(NetworkDlData {
data_id: item.data_id,
proc: item.proc.into(),
publish: item.publish.into(),
resp: match item.resp {
status: item.status,
unit_id: item.unit_id,
device_id: item.device_id,
network_code: item.network_code,
network_addr: item.network_addr,
profile: item.profile,
extension: match item.extension {
Some(extension) => Some(bson::from_document(extension)?),
fn offset(&self) -> u64 {
/// Transforms query conditions to the MongoDB document.
fn get_query_filter(cond: &QueryCond) -> Document {
let mut filter = Document::new();
if let Some(value) = cond.unit_id {
filter.insert("unitId", value);
if let Some(value) = cond.device_id {
filter.insert("deviceId", value);
let mut time_doc = Document::new();
if let Some(value) = cond.proc_gte {
time_doc.insert("$gte", Bson::DateTime(value.into()));
if let Some(value) = cond.proc_lte {
time_doc.insert("$lte", Bson::DateTime(value.into()));
if time_doc.len() > 0 {
filter.insert("proc", time_doc);
fn get_list_query_filter(cond: &ListQueryCond) -> Document {
if let Some(value) = cond.network_code {
filter.insert("networkCode", value);
if let Some(value) = cond.network_addr {
filter.insert("networkAddr", value);
if let Some(value) = cond.profile {
filter.insert("profile", value);
time_doc = Document::new();
if let Some(value) = cond.pub_gte {
if let Some(value) = cond.pub_lte {
filter.insert("pub", time_doc);
if let Some(value) = cond.resp_gte {
if let Some(value) = cond.resp_lte {
filter.insert("resp", time_doc);
/// Transforms model options to the options.
fn build_find_options<'a, T>(opts: &ListOptions, mut find: Find<'a, T>) -> Find<'a, T>
T: Send + Sync,
if let Some(offset) = opts.offset {
find = find.skip(offset);
if let Some(limit) = opts.limit {
if limit > 0 {
find = find.limit(limit as i64);
if let Some(sort_list) = opts.sort.as_ref() {
if sort_list.len() > 0 {
let mut sort_opts = Document::new();
for cond in sort_list.iter() {
let key = match cond.key {
SortKey::Proc => "proc",
SortKey::Pub => "pub",
SortKey::Resp => "resp",
SortKey::NetworkCode => "networkCode",
SortKey::NetworkAddr => "networkAddr",
if cond.asc {
sort_opts.insert(key.to_string(), 1);
} else {
sort_opts.insert(key.to_string(), -1);
find = find.sort(sort_opts);
fn get_update_query_filter(cond: &UpdateQueryCond, status: i32) -> Document {
let mut document = doc! {"dataId": cond.data_id};
if status >= 0 {
document.insert("status", doc! {"$ne": 0});
document.insert("status", doc! {"$lt": status});
/// Transforms the model object to the MongoDB document.
fn get_update_doc(updates: &Updates) -> Option<Document> {
let document = doc! {
"resp": DateTime::from_chrono(updates.resp),
"status": updates.status,
Some(doc! {"$set": document})